Per WYSA, as of June 1st we have entered Phase 1 of the PLAY ON protocol from US Youth Soccer.
Today (June 1st) we are pleased to announce the adoption of U.S. Soccer’s “Play On” a return to play protocol which will guide the phased re-entry of WYSA activities. Effective June 1, 2020 WYSA and it’s member clubs may enter Phase I of the Play On protocol, provided that any local (county or municipal) order does not otherwise restrict your return to play. The Phase I Grassroots Soccer Recommendation guide is a comprehensive model to allow soccer to operate under key safety plans and considerations. This guide includes a detailed approach to social distancing, screening, training, and interactions to ensure consistent best practices are followed to promote the health and safety of all participants and fans.
A Message from WYSA to Parents
We thank our grassroots members for their continued support of WYSA and especially the passion everyone has demonstrated to return to the game we all love. We are pleased to announce the adoption of U.S. Soccer’s “PLAY ON” return to play protocol which will guide the phased re-entry of WYSA activities. Effective June 1, 2020 WYSA and its member clubs may enter Phase I of the PLAY ON protocol, provided that any local (county or municipal) order does not otherwise restrict return to play. The Phase I Grassroots Soccer Recommendation guide is a comprehensive model to allow soccer to operate under key safety plans and considerations. This guide includes a detailed approach to social distancing, screening, training, and interactions to ensure consistent best practices are followed to promote the health and safety of all participants and fans.
Every family should exercise their own discretion regarding return to play. Please familiarize yourself with the PLAY ON protocol, learn more about your club’s policies and procedures, and discuss expectations with your children. Make sure you are comfortable with this information before you return to play. Ultimately it is your choice if, and when to return.
Clubs may return at different times, though all will follow the same phased return to play protocol. They will make individual decisions about their return date but are expected to operate within WYSA’s phased approach. WYSA determines which phase the state is in and indicates when clubs may advance phases. These phases, from Phase 0 (no organized activities; stay home) through to Phase IV (no playing restrictions related to COVID-19), come with specific recommendations and a suggested duration, to ensure that clubs and players have the opportunity to appropriately adapt and implement safety measures. If necessary, WYSA will stay in the current phase for longer than the timeline indicates or revert to an earlier phase to ensure the safety of all participants. Any local (county or municipal) order supersedes the guidance of WYSA and must be adhered to by Clubs.
We encourage all WYSA families to read the PLAY ON protocol and take advantage of the additional resources made available by U.S. Soccer:
Take the Play On Pledge, a powerful and unifying “call to action,” providing a foundation and opportunity for coaches, teams, players and communities to proactively affirm their commitment to health and safety during this challenging time.
We look forward to welcoming each of you back to the field! For the most current status of PLAY ON and updates to return to play, visit the WYSA website. If you have questions about a club return to play timeline or their health and safety guidelines, please contact the club directly. This is a new protocol. Clubs may need time to develop their return to play strategy or meet the minimum safety standards required to return. For questions related to WYSA’s phased return please contact WYSA Executive Director Melissa Zielinski.
In this new, and at times uncertain, health environment, we will continue to navigate this together with our families, coaches and clubs. Through awareness, knowledge, and shared responsibility, we can keep the health and safety of all involved in the beautiful game the main priority.
Melissa Zielinski | Executive Director
Wisconsin Youth Soccer Association