Select League

Select League

The Fond du Lac Phoenix Select Program (also known as Travel or Classic League play) is a competitive soccer program for youth players from U11 to U19 who are looking to elevate their skills, and their game. Tryouts for the Select League are held annually in June for the upcoming seasons (fall + spring) teams. The Fond du Lac Phoenix belong to the East Central District but play our games in the Southeast Classic League which is primarily Milwaukee market teams. This includes teams near us like Plymouth and Lakeshore United (Sheboygan), down though Milwaukee, to Kenosha and Racine. The Fond du Lac Phoenix also has State Level teams. Those teams match up against teams that include Green Bay and the Fox Valley, down to Milwaukee, Madison and Wisconsin Rapids typically but can vary based on season and teams.

Teams play an average of 8 league games each season (half home, half away) and 2-3 tournaments each season. Games take place on weekends and teams will practice 2-3 times per week during season. 

If you are considering playing in High School, coaches recommend participating in a Select League program.